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Top 8 Plumbing Issues & Prevention Tips

When it comes to plumbing, even a small issue can quickly escalate into a major problem if not addressed promptly. From dripping faucets to burst pipes, plumbing problems can cause inconvenience, water damage, and costly repairs. 

In this article, we will discuss the eight most common plumbing problems that homeowners encounter and provide tips on how to avoid them.

 By understanding these issues and implementing preventive measures, you can keep your plumbing system in top shape and avoid potential headaches down the line. 

So, let’s dive into the world of plumbing and learn how to prevent these common problems.

Here Are 8 Most Common Plumbing Problems & Solutions

1. Dripping Faucets

Dripping faucets are not merely an auditory annoyance; they represent a constant drip, drip of wasted water and increased utility bills. 

Typically caused by worn-out washers or O-rings within the faucet mechanism, addressing this issue promptly is crucial.

How to Avoid:

  • Regular Inspection: Check faucets for wear and tear regularly.
  • Prompt Repairs: Replace worn-out washers promptly.
  • Upgrade Fixtures: Consider modern faucets with durable ceramic disc cartridges.
  • Minimize Corrosion: Address corrosion issues promptly for prolonged faucet life.
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2. Leaky Pipes

Leaky pipes threaten your home, causing water damage and potentially skyrocketing your water bills. Often resulting from corrosion, high water pressure, or loose joints, identifying and addressing leaks promptly is crucial. 

How to Avoid:

  • Monitor Water Pressure: Regularly check and adjust water pressure to prevent pipe stress.
  • Prompt Leak Repairs: Address even minor leaks promptly to prevent extensive damage.
  • Install Water Softeners: Reduce pipe corrosion by installing water softeners.
  • Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections to identify potential issues and prevent leaks.

3. Running Toilets

A running toilet is not just a mere inconvenience; it can lead to substantial water wastage and increased utility bills. Typically caused by a faulty flapper or valve, a running toilet continuously allows water to escape from the tank to the bowl. 

This perpetual water flow impacts your wallet and places an unnecessary burden on water resources.

How to Avoid:

  • Regular Inspection: Check toilet components like flappers and valves for wear and tear.
  • Timely Replacement: Replace faulty flappers and valves promptly to prevent water waste.
  • Efficiency Matters: Ensure that your toilet functions efficiently, addressing any issues as soon as they arise.

4. Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure can be a frustrating plumbing issue, impacting daily activities such as showering and dishwashing. 

This problem often stems from sediment buildup, pipe corrosion, or municipal water supply issues. Sediment accumulation in pipes restricts water flow, leading to reduced pressure. 

How to Avoid:

  • Regular Faucet Maintenance: Clean faucet aerators to prevent sediment buildup.
  • Prompt Leak Repairs: Address leaks promptly to prevent damage affecting water pressure.
  • Insulate Pipes: Prevent freezing and damage by insulating pipes, ensuring consistent water flow.
  • Municipal Check: Contact your water provider if issues persist to rule out municipal supply problems.

5. Leaking Hose Bibb

A leaking hose bibb is a persistent waste of water and a potential source of property damage. Typically found in outdoor faucets, this issue often stems from worn-out washers, loose connections, or frost damage.

Before winter sets in, disconnect hoses and insulate outdoor faucets to prevent frost-related damage. 

How to Avoid:

  • Disconnect Hoses Before Winter: Prevent frost damage by disconnecting hoses and insulating outdoor faucets before winter.
  • Insulate Outdoor Faucets: Insulate outdoor faucets to protect them from freezing temperatures and potential damage.
  • Regularly Check for Leaks: Periodically inspect hose bibbs for leaks and tighten connections to prevent water wastage and property damage.
  • Promptly Replace Worn-Out Washers: Replace worn-out washers promptly to address common causes of leaking hose bibbs. Regular maintenance avoids potential water leaks.

6. Slow or Clogged Drains

Dealing with slow or clogged drains is a frustrating experience many homeowners encounter. 

A common plumbing woe disrupts daily routines, leading to unpleasant odours and potential water damage. 

Whether it’s the result of debris accumulation, grease buildup, or foreign objects finding their way into the pipes, the impact on your plumbing system can be significant

How to Avoid:

  • Use Drain Guards: Prevent debris and hair from entering drains by using drain guards.
  • Avoid Grease Disposal: Refrain from pouring grease down drains to prevent buildup.
  • Periodic Hot Water Flush: Flush drains with hot water periodically to clear minor blockages.
  • Plunger or Drain Snake: To prevent clogs, use a plunger or drain snake at the first sign of slow drainage.

7. Sump Pump Failure

The sump pump is a silent guardian against potential basement floods tucked away in the intricate web of a home’s plumbing. 

However, even the most reliable sump pump can succumb to failure, leaving your home vulnerable during heavy rains or unexpected power outages. 

Sump pump issues, ranging from malfunctioning float switches to power disruptions, can swiftly turn a safeguard into a liability. 

How to Avoid:

  • Install a Battery Backup: Ensure uninterrupted operation during power outages.
  • Regular Maintenance Checks: Perform routine inspections to identify and address potential issues.
  • Periodic Testing: Test the sump pump regularly to confirm proper functionality.
  • Consider a Secondary Pump: Enhance protection against flooding by installing a secondary sump pump.

8. Water Heater Problems

When water heater problems arise, the soothing warmth of a hot shower or the convenience of warm water for household chores can be disrupted. 

Issues with your water heater, from sediment buildup to thermostat malfunctions and leaking tanks, can cause inconvenience and potential damage. 

How to Avoid:

  • Regular Flushing: Flush your water heater regularly to remove sediment buildup.
  • Thermostat Inspection: Check the thermostat settings to ensure they are at the recommended levels.
  • Leak Detection: Inspect your water heater for any signs of leaks or corrosion.
  • Professional Inspection: Schedule periodic professional inspections to address potential issues promptly.

MSH Engineers – Your Trusted Partner for Expert Plumbing Design

Banish plumbing woes forever! MSH Engineers is your top choice for residential and commercial plumbing design in Markham, Canada. 

Our passionate engineers are experts in water flow, crafting custom systems that are both functional and beautiful. We listen to your vision, assess your needs (including budget and lifestyle), and design a system that prioritizes efficiency and sustainability. 

Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how we can transform your space with the power of water, designed to perfection.

MSH Engineers provides a variety of services, including:
  1. HVAC Design Services
  2. Plumbing Design Services
  3. Sprinkler design service
  4. Fire Protection Design Service
  5. Light Design Service
  6. Fire Alarm System Design
  7. Engineering Consultants
  8. Electrical Engineering Consultancy Services
  9. Mechanical Engineering Consultancy Services
  10. Civil Engineering Consultancy Services
  11. Infrastructure Engineering Consultancy Services
  12. Building Services Consulting Engineers


Knowledge is your greatest ally in home maintenance. By understanding the common plumbing pitfalls and proactively implementing preventive measures, you empower yourself to safeguard your home. 

Regular checks, prompt repairs, and a commitment to good plumbing practices will save you from the inconvenience of leaks and clogs and preserve your property’s integrity. 

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Saad Haroon  —
P.Eng LEED Associate


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